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Electric Load Service Centers

Eligible buildings can receive up to $4,000 per unit to install a new electric load service center, also known as a circuit breaker panel. If you own a multifamily building, you and your tenants could save big while promoting energy-efficient living. Read on to find out how you can upgrade your building for free through the Inflation Reduction Act!

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The Inflation Reduction Act

Free Electric Load Service Center Upgrades for Multifamily Units

Upgrading Electric Load Service Centers (ELSC) (circuit breaker panels) for multifamily properties under the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) is a strategic investment for owners seeking improved safety, efficiency, and sustainability. These upgrades not only enhance the safety features of the electrical systems in each unit but also contribute to overall energy efficiency, potentially leading to reduced utility costs for both property owners and tenants.

Upgrade your multifamily units easily with Elevate sustainability, reduce expenses, and offer greener living options for a brighter future. See if you qualify today!

Who Qualifies for a Free Electric Load Service Center (Circuit Breaker Panel) Upgrade?


Multifamily property owners looking to improve the safety and efficiency of their electrical systems can take advantage of this transformative opportunity. The IRA provides financial incentives for these upgrades, allowing property owners to enhance their buildings’ safety features, meet modern energy efficiency standards, and contribute to a sustainable future.

By embracing this offer, multifamily owners not only create a safer living environment for their tenants but also position their properties as forward-thinking and environmentally responsible, adding long-term value and appeal to their rental units.

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Why Upgrade Your Multifamily Property

Benefits of New Electric Load Service Centers

By embracing modern electric load service centers (ELSC), multifamily property owners can position their units as environmentally conscious and technologically advanced, thereby increasing overall property appeal and attracting tenants who prioritize safety and efficiency. Additionally, the IRA provides financial incentives, making this upgrade a cost-effective choice that aligns with environmental responsibility and long-term economic benefits.

Enhanced Safety

Newer electrical panels often have advanced safety features, including circuit breakers with better overload and short-circuit protection. This reduces the risk of electrical fires and enhances the overall safety of the building.

Improved Energy Efficiency

Newer electrical panels often incorporate energy-efficient features and components, contributing to overall energy efficiency in the building. This can lead to reduced energy consumption and lower utility bills.

Increased Property Value

Upgrading the electrical infrastructure, including the ELSC, can contribute to the property’s overall value. Potential buyers or tenants may see a modern, well-maintained electrical system as a positive attribute.

Electric Load Service Centers FAQs

An Electric Load Service Center, commonly known as a circuit breaker panel or distribution panel, is a centralized unit responsible for distributing electrical power to various units or areas within a home or building. It contains circuit breakers, meters, and other components to ensure safe and efficient electrical distribution.
Yes, the ELSC plays a role in energy efficiency. Upgrading to modern components, implementing load balancing, integrating smart technologies, and ensuring proper capacity planning through the ELSC can contribute to reduced energy consumption, lower utility bills, and overall improved energy efficiency in the home.
No, qualifying property owners won’t have to bear any upfront costs for the Electric Load Service Centers upgrade under the IRA. The program is designed to provide financial assistance to cover the expenses. With the help of, we can assist property owners in making the process as simple as possible. See if you qualify now, and we’ll be in touch for the next steps.
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